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October 3, 2022 – Bankruptcy Judgeship Vacancy – [Extension of application period until October 14] - The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit invites applications from qualified candidates for a 14-year appointment as United States Bankruptcy Judge in the Northern District of New York (Albany). If you applied earlier, there is no need to re-submit your application. For the full vacancy announcement and the application click here.
September 23, 2022 – Public Announcement - Request for Public Comment on the Reappointment of Federal Public Defender Michael Desautels for the District of Vermont. Click here.

September 6, 2022 – ACMS to Process All Agency Appeals - On October, 1, 2022, the Second Circuit's ACMS case filing system, which is currently used for immigration petitions for review and second or successive habeas applications, will begin to process all new administrative agency cases. All petitions for review of federal agency decisions or applications for enforcement that are filed on or after October 1, 2022 must be filed in ACMS. Counsel interested in learning about ACMS to file papers should email Eniola Ajayi at with the words "ACMS Training" in the subject line by September 16, 2022. The Clerk's Office will hold training sessions by Zoom on September 22 and September 29 for those who respond.

August 29, 2022 – In-Person Court Proceedings and Other Court Operations at the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit - Chief Judge Debra Ann Livingston has announced that when the Court's 2022-2023 Term begins on Tuesday, September 6, 2022, oral arguments will be held in person at the Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse, as they have since August 2021. In addition, the courtroom will be open to the public, with overflow space available as the Court determines. The audio livestream of oral argument will continue.

Masks will be required of all persons who are present in the courtroom or overflow space. An exception will be made for the person arguing at the podium, who may choose to remove the mask during argument. Also, a judge participating in the argument may choose to remove the mask while on the bench.

Public Counter - Beginning September 6, 2022, the Court's public counter in Room 150 of the Clerk's Office will be open between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Only two people seeking staff assistance may be in the room at one time. In addition, only one person at a time may use a kiosk for a maximum of 30 minutes. All persons must

wear a mask at all times in Room 150.

Pro Se Filings - Paper filings may be made by ordinary mail to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, Clerk's Office, Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse, 40 Foley Square, New York, NY 10007. In the alternative, papers may be deposited in the Night Box located inside the entrance to the Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse. Pro se litigants may continue to file electronic documents using For new cases in which a docketing notice has not yet issued, opening papers may be emailed to

General Rule - All persons who have business with the Court must comply with the health screening requirements and entrance protocols posted at the entrance to the building and on the website of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York at

August 2, 2022 -Bankruptcy Judgeship Vacancy - The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit invites applications from qualified candidates for a 14-year appointment as United States Bankruptcy Judge for the Northern District of New York in Albany, New York. For announcement, please click here. For application, please click here.
June 16, 2022 – Applications for the Second Circuit's Pro Bono Appellate Mediator Panel - The Legal Affairs Committee is accepting applications for the Second Circuit's Pro Bono Appellate Mediator Panel. The deadline is August 15, 2022. Please refer to the Court's official announcement and application materials, which are available here.
May 2, 2022 – Press Release: Law Day - The Robert A. Katzmann Justice for All: Courts and the Community Initiative, the civic education project of the federal courts of the Second Circuit launched by then-Chief Second Circuit Judge Robert A. Katzmann in 2014, will begin its Law Day 2022 celebration today. Law Day is held annually across the country around May 1st to commemorate the role of law in our society and to cultivate a deeper understanding of the legal profession.

Each year, The Robert A. Katzmann Justice for All: Courts and the Community Initiative sponsors Law Day programs through outreach efforts to teachers and students. Several events throughout the month of May are planned around the circuit to celebrate this year's national Law Day theme, "Toward a More Perfect Union: The Constitution in Times of Change." On May 3rd, Justice For All, in partnership with the Eastern District of New York and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, will host simultaneous naturalization ceremonies for approximately 490 citizenship candidates at the Brooklyn Cyclones Maimonides Park and the Long Island Ducks Fairfield Properties Ballpark. Margo K. Brodie, Chief Judge, United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York and Joseph F. Bianco, United States Circuit Judge for the Second Circuit will preside over the Brooklyn ceremony and the Long Island ceremony respectively.

On May 4th teams of judges and lawyers will virtually visit 22 classrooms across New York state, including schools in each of New York's four federal districts. In the Northern District of New York, over 300 students will meet with federal judges and lawyers both virtually and in-person throughout the first two weeks of May. In Connecticut, students will participate in both virtual and in-person programming throughout the month, including: a school visit to the New Haven courthouse to observe a court proceeding; a virtual career panel; virtual discussions about the Law Day theme; an observation of a naturalization ceremony; meeting with a federal judge on a high school campus; and reading with a federal judge in several elementary school classrooms.

In partnership with the New York Public Library, and in celebration of Law Day, Justice For All is conducting a three-part virtual career panel series. There are three one-hour panels on April 27th, May 11th, and May 25th. The first panel consisted of EDNY Chief Judge Brodie, a federal prosecutor (Maria Cruz Melendez), and a federal defender (Deirdre von Dornum); the second panel will be a U.S. Secret Service Agent, a recently retired FBI Special Agent-in-Charge, and a Special Inspector from the U.S. Marshals Service; and the third panel will be a courtroom sketch artist, a court reporter, and a U.S. Pretrial Services Officer. Additionally, on May 18th, a Second Circuit judge will be presenting a "Views From the Bench" program at the Hudson Park branch of the New York Public Library.

Additionally, to coincide with Law Day celebrations during May 2022, Justice For All will announce the winners of the 2022 Essay Contest in Honor of Second Circuit Judge Robert A. Katzmann, organized in partnership with the New York State Bar Association Commercial & Federal Litigation Section. Consistent with the Law Day theme, the theme for the essay contest is the Equal Protection Clause, focusing on the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Equal Protection Clause over time. Justice For All received 123 essay submissions from New York high schoolers. Winners will be presented with their awards by a Second Circuit judge, and the first-place essay will be published by the New York State Bar Association Commercial and Federal Litigation Section.

To learn more about The Robert A. Katzmann Justice for All: Courts and the Community Initiative, please visit, call us at (212) 857-8930, or e-mail us at

About Law Day
Law Day is an annual celebration first held in 1957 when former American Bar Association President Charles Rhynes envisioned a special day to mark our nation's commitment to the rule of law. The following year, President Dwight D. Eisenhower issued the first Law Day Proclamation. Law Day was made official when Congress issued a joint resolution designating May 1 as the official date for celebrating Law Day.

March 8, 2022 – Update to In-Person Court Proceedings at the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit - Chief Judge Debra Ann Livingston has announced that effective Monday, March 14, 2022, during in-person oral arguments, the person arguing at the podium may choose to remove a mask during the argument. Similarly, a judge participating in the argument may choose to remove the mask while on the bench. All other persons in the courtroom must wear a mask at all times and must continue to observe the health screening requirements and entrance protocols posted at the entrance to the building. The specific requirements for in-person court proceedings and other court operations, set forth in the Court's February 14, 2022 notice, posted below on the website Announcements page, remain in effect.

February 14, 2022 – Applications for service on CJA Panel - The Criminal Justice Act Committee of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit is accepting applications for service on the Court's Criminal Justice Act Panel. For announcement click here, for application click here.
February 14, 2022 – Resumption of In-Person Court Proceedings and Other Court Operations at the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit - Chief Judge Debra Ann Livingston has announced that effective Tuesday, February 22, 2022, the Court will resume holding oral argument in person in the Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse, Room 1702. Counsel and pro se litigants will be expected to appear in person but will be permitted to argue remotely upon a request establishing good cause. Current conditions related to the Covid pandemic require that counsel appear with no more than one colleague to assist with the argument. Pro se litigants also may be accompanied by no more than one person in the courtroom. Individuals who arrive at the courthouse for argument must meet the health screening requirements and entrance protocols specified at the entrance to the building. All persons must wear a mask at all times in the building, including in the courtroom and during oral argument. The courtroom will remain closed to the public and others who may wish to attend argument, pending further improvement in Covid pandemic conditions. The Court will continue to offer a livestream audio of the oral arguments. Click here for the link to the livestream audio. All parties are advised that the Court may announce changes to the procedures for participating in oral argument on short notice based upon updated public health information .

Other Affected Court Operations - Beginning February 22, 2022, the Court's public counter in Room 150 of the Clerk's Office will open to the public between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Individuals who meet the health screening requirements and entrance protocols specified at the entrance of the Courthouse may enter to conduct business with the Court. Only two people seeking staff assistance may be in the room at one time. In addition, only one person at a time may use a kiosk, for a maximum of 30 minutes. Paper filings may be made by ordinary mail to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, Clerk's Office, Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse, 40 Foley Square, New York, NY 10007. In the alternative, papers may be deposited in the Night Box located inside the entrance to the Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse . Pro se litigants may continue to file electronic documents using For new cases in which a docketing notice has not yet issued, opening papers may be emailed to

December 29, 2021 – Oral Argument and Other Court Operations at the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit - Chief Judge Debra Ann Livingston has announced that in light of the recent surge in Covid-19 infections, beginning January 4, 2022 oral arguments will be conducted remotely, by Zoom or teleconference. Instructions for participating in the remote arguments will be sent to counsel and pro se litigants in advance of the scheduled argument date. The Court will continue to provide a livestream audio of the oral arguments. The Court expects to resume conducting oral argument in person at the Thurgood Marshall Courthouse as soon as circumstances permit.

Other Affected Court Operations - The Court's public counter in Room 150 of the Clerk's Office will be closed to the public until further notice. Paper filings may be made by ordinary mail to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, Clerk's Office, Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse, 40 Foley Square, New York, NY 10007. In the alternative, papers may be deposited in the Night Box located inside the entrance to the Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse. Pro se litigants may continue to file electronic documents using For new cases in which a docketing notice has not yet issued, opening papers may be emailed to

December 21, 2021 – ACMS to Expand Operations on January 1, 2022 - The Appellate Case Management System ("ACMS"), the court's new case management program that currently processes immigration petitions for review, will be expanding operations to process Second or Successive habeas applications filed pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §2244. Attorneys wishing to learn how the system operates should contact Eniola Ajayi at by December 29, 2021. Training on the system will be held by zoom at the end of December and again in early January.
December 13, 2021 – Amendment to the Local Rules of the Second Circuit - The Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has amended Local Rules 46.2, effective December 13, 2021.  Please click here for the order adopting the amendment.
December 9, 2021 – Amendments to the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure 3 and 6 - On December 1, 2021, amendments to FRAP 3 and FRAP 6 took effect. FRAP 3(c) codifies the merger principle for notices of appeal in new subsections (4) and (5). Conversely, new subsection (6) states that appellants who wish to limit the scope of their appeals must expressly do so or the merger principle will apply. Because of these changes, Form 1, the generic Notice of Appeal Form, has been replaced by Form 1(A) and Form 1(B). Amendments to FRAP 6 are stylistic only to reflect the existence of the new forms. The complete set of amendments with redlines can be found here.
December 9, 2021 – ACMS Tentatively Scheduled to Expand Operations on January 1, 2022 - The Appellate Case Management System ("ACMS"), the court's new case management program that currently processes immigration petitions for review, is scheduled to expand operations to process Second or Successive applications filed pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §2244. Attorneys wishing to learn how the system operates should contact Eniola Ajayi at by December 17, 2021. Training on the system will be held by zoom at the end of December and again in early January.
November 1, 2021 – Notice of Proposed Rule Making - By this notice and the order linked below, the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit publishes for comment a proposed amendment to Local Rule 46.2 (b) (6), (7), which addresses attorney discipline. The amendment provides a procedure by which a New York State attorney discipline authority may request expedited disclosure of confidential record for its use in a New York State attorney conduct investigation or proceeding. Click here to see the Clerk's order inviting comment and the proposed amendment. In accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 2971(b) and Fed. R. App. P. 47(a)(1), comments are invited on the proposed rule. Please submit comments to the Clerk of Court at 40 Foley Square, New York, NY 10007 or no later than December 1, 2021.
August 31, 2021 – Paper Copies of Briefs and Appendices in Cases Heard Under the L.R. 34.2 (a)(1) Non-Argument Calendar No Longer Required - Beginning September 1, 2021, the Court of Appeals will no longer require paper copies of briefs and appendices to be filed in cases in which a party seeks review of the denial of: a claim for asylum under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA); a claim for withholding of removal under the INA; a claim for withholding or deferral of removal under the Convention Against Torture; or, a motion to reopen or reconsider an order involving one of the claims listed above. A paper copy of all court filings must continue to be served on a pro se litigant in all immigration cases. A pro se litigant may continue to submit filings via the email or file paper documents with the Court. Only pro se litigants submitting filings may use the email address and should include the case number in the subject line of the email. Click here for Chief Judge Debra Ann Livingston's order.
August 9, 2021 – Procedure for Oral Argument at the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit - Chief Judge Debra Ann Livingston has announced that when the 2021 Term begins on August 16, 2021 oral arguments will be conducted in person at the Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse, Room 1703. Counsel and pro se litigants are expected to appear in person but will be permitted to argue remotely upon a request establishing good cause.

Current conditions related to the Covid pandemic require that counsel appear with no more than one colleague to assist with the argument. Pro se litigants also may be accompanied by no more than one person in the courtroom.

Individuals who arrive at the courthouse for argument must meet the health screening requirements and entrance protocols specified at the entrance to the building. All persons must wear a mask at all times in the building, including in the courtroom and during oral argument.

Until the Covid infection rate declines, the courtroom will be closed to the public and others who may wish to attend argument. The Court will continue to offer a livestream audio of the oral arguments. Click here for the link to the livestream audio.

All parties are advised that the Court may announce changes to the procedures for participating in oral argument on short notice based upon updated public health information.

June 22, 2021 – Court Operations at the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit - Chief Judge Debra Ann Livingston has announced that the 2021 Term will begin on August 16, 2021 with oral arguments conducted in person at the Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse, Room 1703. Counsel and pro se litigants who are scheduled to argue will be expected to appear in person. The courtroom will be open to the public subject to conditions that will be determined prior to August 16, 2021. The Court will continue to offer a livestream audio of the oral arguments. Additional changes in the Court's operations are listed below.

Court Hours and Access - Individuals who meet the health screening requirements and entrance protocols specified at the entrance to the building may enter to conduct business with the Court. Beginning Tuesday, July 6, 2021, the public counter located in Room 150 will be open to litigants and the public between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Only two people seeking staff assistance may be in the room at one time. In addition, only one person at a time may use a kiosk, and for a maximum of 30 minutes. Papers also may be deposited in the Court's Night Box, located in the lobby of the Thurgood Marshall United States Court, 40 Foley Square, New York, NY.

Filing Pro se Papers - In addition to filing papers in Room 150 or in the Night Box, pro se papers may be emailed to For new cases in which a docketing notice has not yet issued, opening papers may be emailed to A pro se litigant who has no access to email may send a paper by ordinary mail to United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, Clerk's Office, Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse, 40 Foley Square, New York, NY.

Resumption of Paper Copies Requirement - Effective July 6, 2021, the Court will resume the requirement that six paper copies of each brief be submitted in each appeal at the time the brief is electronically filed. See L.R. 31.1. In addition, a party represented by counsel must file six copies of the appendix, unless the case is proceeding on the original record without an appendix. See L.R. 30.1(b)(c). The six paper copy rule also applies to a supplemental and special appendix. See L.R. 30.1(g); 32.1(c). In addition, a party represented by counsel must submit six paper copies of the appendix, unless the case is proceeding on the original record without an appendix. A pro se litigant must submit three paper copies of the appendix in cases in which an appendix is required. See L.R. 30.1(b), (e).

Three paper copies of documents that exceed 50 pages must be submitted to the Court. L.R. 21.1(b); 27.1(a)(4). If a petition for rehearing en banc exceeds 50 pages, 15 paper copies of the petition must be submitted to the Court. See L.R. 35.1(c). Click here for Chief Judge Livingston's order.

Sealed Documents - A party that wishes to file a sealed document and is unable to follow the usual paper protocol may contact the Clerk's Office at 212.857.8610 and email the sealed document to

June 9, 2021 – Announcement - Chief Judge Debra Ann Livingston announces the death of Judge Robert A. Katzmann of the Court of Appeals. Click here to read the public statement.
April 6, 2021 – Second Circuit's Pro Bono Appellate Mediator Panel - The Legal Affairs Committee is accepting applications for the Second Circuit's Pro Bono Appellate Mediator Panel. The deadline is June 30, 2021. Please refer to the Court's official announcement and application materials, which are available here.
March 11, 2021 – Announcement - Chief Judge Debra Ann Livingston announces the death of Judge Peter W. Hall of the Court of Appeals. Click here to read the public statement.
February 16, 2021 – Applications for service on CJA Panel - The Criminal Justice Act Committee of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit is accepting applications for service on the Court's Criminal Justice Act Panel. For announcement click here, for application click here.
January 12, 2021 - Notice Regarding Judiciary Cybersecurity Breach - On January 6, 2021 the Judicial Conference of the United States announced that sealed, non-public documents stored on the Judiciary's electronic case management system, CM/ECF, may be vulnerable to the "compromise involving SolarWinds Orion products that are currently being exploited by malicious actors" that the Department of Homeland Security announced last month.

Pursuant to its Local Rules, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals does not permit for filing any sealed documents in its CM/ECF system; nor are any sealed documents stored in the CM/ECF system. Sealed documents are filed by delivering them directly to the Clerk's Office in paper or digital format. Sealed documents are then separately stored in the Clerk's Office. LR 25.1(j)(2). These practices will continue going forward.

December 8, 2020 - Announcement - Chief Judge Debra Ann Livingston announces the death of Judge Ralph K. Winter of the Court of Appeals. Click here to read the public statement.
November 16, 2020 - Notice of Fee Changes - Effective December 1, 2020, the fee changes listed below will take effect following amendments to the Court of Appeals Miscellaneous Fee Schedule, issued pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1913.
Fee Type Old Fee New Fee
Search of Records $31 $32
For Reproducing Recordings of Proceedings (Magnetic argument tapes, CDs) $31 $32
For reproducing record in any appeal in which the court of appeals does not require an appendix under FRAP 30(f) and L.R. 30.1 $86 $89
Attorney Admission $221 $221
For a duplicate certificate of admission of good standing $19 $20

The Fee Schedule listed on the Court's website will be updated December 1, 2020 to reflect the changes.
September 29, 2020 - Court of Appeals Implements New Electronic Case Management System for Immigration Petitions for Review -

Beginning October 1, 2020, all new Petitions for Review of Board of Immigration Appeals decisions must be filed in the new Appellate Case Management System (ACMS).  Instructions for how to file a case in ACMS are here.  Chief Judge Debra Ann Livingston has issued an order that directs all ACMS filings are subject to the electronic filing requirements set out in the Court's LR 25.1, pending further order of the Court.

In immigration appeals from BIA decisions commenced prior to October 1, 2020, filings will continue to be made in the CM/ECF system.  All appeals from district court decisions and original proceedings commenced at the Court other than appeals from BIA decisions will continue to be filed in CM/ECF.

A court user's PACER login information will link to ACMS. The "one free look" policy remains in effect.  Payments through will also continue as usual.

The Clerk's Office will conduct another virtual training on Friday, October 9, 2020.  Those interested should email Eniola Ajayi at
August 27, 2020 - Report by Chief Judge Katzmann to Court of Appeals Colleagues posted - Click here to read "A Report by Chief Judge Robert A. Katzmann to Court of Appeals Colleagues: Summing Up the Past Seven Years."
August 24, 2020 - Court of Appeals to Implement New Electronic Case Management System for Immigration Petitions for Review - On October 1, 2020, the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit will begin using a new electronic case management system, called the Appellate Case Management System (ACMS) for the filing of Petitions for Review from Board of Immigration Appeals decisions. All new cases must be filed in ACMS. Cases commenced with the filing of a Petition for Review prior to October 1, 2020 will continue to be processed in CM/ECF until further notice. All filings in a case commenced prior to October 1, 2020 must be made in CM/ECF.

Also beginning October 1, 2020, a court user's PACER login information will link to ACMS. The "one free look" policy remains in effect. Payments through will also continue as usual

A Filing User who wishes to see a virtual demonstration of the new system may contact Eniola Ajayi at no later than September 21, 2020. Instructional materials will be available as the launch date approaches.

August 18, 2020 - Court of Appeals to Reduce Number of Paper Copies of Briefs and Appendices - On August 24, 2020, the Court of Appeals will reduce to three, from six, the number of paper copies of briefs that must be filed in each appeal. In addition, a party represented by counsel must now file three copies of the appendix, unless the case is proceeding on the original record without an appendix. See. L.R. 30.1(b), (e). This reduction in the number of briefs and appendices filed will continue until further order of the Court. Click here for Chief Judge Robert A. Katzmann's order.
June 22, 2020 - Court of Appeals to Resume Paper Copies Filing Requirement - On July 1, 2020, the Court of Appeals will resume requiring that parties file paper copies of briefs, appendices and documents that exceed 50 pages in length pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure and the Court's Local Rules.

Regarding briefs, appendices and documents longer than 50 pages that were, or will be, filed between March 26 and June 30, 2020, paper copies will be due no later than July 10, 2020, if the case is currently pending. Click here for Chief Judge Robert A. Katzmann's order.

The Court's practice, previously announced on March 26, 2020, regarding the filings of pro se papers, petitions for review and petitions for a writ seeking extraordinary relief, that cannot be filed in ECF will continue: Pro se papers may be emailed to For new cases in which a docketing notice has not yet issued, opening papers may be emailed to A pro se litigant who has no access to email may send a paper by ordinary mail. Papers also may be deposited in the Court's Night Box, located in the lobby of the Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse, 40 Foley Square, New York, NY.

Sealed Documents. A party that wishes to file a sealed document and is unable to follow the usual paper protocol may contact the Clerk's Office at 646.584.2696 and email the sealed document to

April 28, 2020 - Applications for Second Circuit Pro Bono Appellate Mediator Panel - The deadline for applications for appointment to the Second Circuit's Pro Bono Appellate Mediator Panel in 2020 is extended to July 8, 2020. Application materials should be submitted to: Please refer to the Court's official announcement and application materials, which are available here.
April 15, 2020 - Chief Judge Robert A. Katzmann thanks the members of the Criminal Justice Act Panels throughout the Circuit for their continued dedication and commitment to the representation of the indigent during these difficult times, and reiterates the Court's policy of accepting motions seeking approval of interim payments under the Court's Amended CJA Plan [Section X, Paragraph F].
March 26, 2020 - Operations Continue at the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit - The regular argued appeals and motions calendars continue to be heard as scheduled. As explained below, parties are expected to begin filing papers on April 6, 2020 pursuant to the Court's March 16, 2020 order.

Document Filings and Form Deadlines - On March 16, 2020 the Second Circuit ordered a 21-day extension of time for all filings and deadlines. Filing dates set specifically by order after March 13, 2020 and the filing date for a notice of appeal or other document that confers jurisdiction on the Court were not covered by the March 16th order.

Applying the 21-day extension, filings and deadlines that were originally due between March 16 and May 17, 2020 are now due beginning April 6, 2020 and ending June 5, 2020. Absent an extraordinary circumstance, which is defined as 'serious personal illness or death in counsel's immediate family', no additional extensions of time to file will be granted. Local Rule 27.1 (f)(1). Papers and deadlines that are due on May 18, 2020 and thereafter are due on the date specified in an order or rule. The Court does not anticipate issuing an order that further extends all filing dates and other deadlines.

Paper Copies. In the Court's continuing effort to adapt its operations during the COVID-19 pandemic, paper copies of documents that are otherwise required to complete a filing will not be required in any case pending further order or upon the specific request of the Clerk. Paper copies of documents must continue to be served on pro se litigants and others who are not Filing Users as defined in Local Rule 25.1 (a)(1)(D). Click here for Chief Judge Robert A. Katzmann's order.

Papers, such as pro se papers, petitions for review, and petitions for a writ seeking extraordinary relief, that cannot be filed in ECF, should be emailed as follows: Pro se papers may be emailed to For new cases in which a docketing notice has not yet issued, opening papers may be emailed to  A pro se litigant who has no access to email may send a paper request by ordinary mail. Papers also may be deposited in the Court's Night Box, located in the lobby of the Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse, 40 Foley Square, New York, NY.

Sealed Documents. A party that wishes to file a sealed document and is unable to follow the usual paper protocol may contact the Clerk's Office at 646.584.2696 and email the sealed document to

March 19, 2020 - Oral Arguments at the Second Circuit - The regular argued appeals and motions calendars continue to be heard as scheduled. Effective Monday, March 23, 2020 and until the COVID-19 crisis passes, the Court will hear all oral arguments using a teleconference platform. All lawyers and pro se litigants who are scheduled to argue must do so by teleconference. The Clerk's Office will forward teleconference instructions to the lawyers and pro se litigants appearing each argument day. In the alternative, parties may request to submit the appeal for determination.

All oral arguments will be audio livestreamed. Click here for the livestream link.

March 16, 2020 - Operations at the Second Circuit to Address COVID-19 Pandemic - As the limitations on social interactions in public spaces continue to expand to address the spread of COVID-19, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit will remain open to fulfill its constitutional and statutory responsibilities and is adapting its operations as follows:

Oral Arguments - The regular argued appeals and motions calendars will be heard as scheduled. A lawyer or pro se litigant who is scheduled to argue and wishes to do so in person may appear at the Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse, 40 Foley Square, New York, NY, Room 1703. In addition, the Court has established a teleconference platform for judges and persons scheduled to argue who wish to appear remotely. To arrange for an appearance by audio, a lawyer scheduled to argue should electronically file a letter request. A pro se litigant should email the request to and call 212.857.8500. The Clerk's Office will forward teleconference instructions to the requester. Parties to all appeals are reminded that at the discretion of the panel any appeal that meets the standard set out in the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure 34(a)(2) may be taken on submission.

Access to the Courthouse - Individuals who do not have business with the Court will not be admitted until further order of the Court. Individuals who seek access to the Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse to transact business with the Court must, in the judgment of the courthouse security officers, meet the health standards specified at the entrance to the courthouse. To preserve public access to the Court's oral arguments, the audio of arguments will be live streamed. Click here for the link to the live steam. Click here for Chief Judge Robert A. Katzmann's order regarding access to the courthouse.

Filings - The national response to the pandemic will disrupt the ordinary course of all business activity, including the operation of the Judiciary. To minimize the disruption and assist the Court in managing Court business, all filing dates and other deadlines set out in the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, the Court's Local Rules and the Court's orders are extended or tolled by 21 days, effective today through May 17, 2020. For example, a notice of appearance or scheduling notification currently due on March 18th is now due on April 8th. A brief currently due on April 15th is now due May 6th. However, a brief due on May 20th continues to be due on May 20th.

    Notwithstanding this general extension, a judge or panel may, by separate order, direct the parties to comply with a different filing date as deemed necessary in a particular case. In addition, in counseled civil cases the automatic dismissal provision in the order that set the original filing date remains in effect.

    The due date for a notice of appeal, petition for review or other document that confers jurisdiction on the Court is not affected by this order. The filing dates for those papers remain as stated in the statute or rule that confers jurisdiction. Click here for Chief Judge Robert A. Katzmann's Order.

Court Hours and Staffing - Though the Court continues to be open, people are encouraged to email correspondence and filings that cannot be filed in ECF. These documents include pro se papers, petitions for review, and petitions for a writ seeking extraordinary relief. Pro se papers may be emailed to In new cases in which a docketing notice has not yet issued, opening papers may be emailed to A pro se litigant who has no access to email may send a paper request by ordinary mail. Papers also may be deposited in the Court's Night Box, located in the lobby of the Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse, 40 Foley Square, New York, NY.

The majority of court staff are teleworking each day. A skeletal staff will report to the Courthouse to perform tasks that cannot be done remotely. Tasks will be prioritized, but it is likely that the response to some inquiries may be delayed. The telephone numbers set out on the Clerk's Office Directory Screen will remain operational.

Emergency Applications - A lawyer or litigant who seeks to file a request for an emergency stay or relief that requires immediate attention shall file the request according to the directions set out in this notice and contact the Clerk of Court at 646.584.2696.

Further Updates - Because the national response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to change, please check this website as the Court adapts its operations to conform to additional developments.

March 9, 2020 - Second Circuit Calendars - The regular argued appeals and motions calendars will be heard as scheduled at the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.

A lawyer or pro se party scheduled to argue is directed to contact the Clerk of Court at 646.584.2696 if she or he has
* visited China, Iran, Italy, Japan or South Korea within the last 14 days,

* been in close contact with a person who has visited a listed country within the last 14 days,

* been asked to self-quarantine by a health official,

* been diagnosed with COVID-19, or been in contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19, or

* a verifiable health condition, specifically chronic lung disease, cancer, diabetes, heart disease or a weakened immune system.

March 2, 2020 - The Legal Affairs Committee - is accepting applications for the Second Circuit's Pro Bono Appellate Mediator Panel. The deadline is May 8, 2020. Please refer to the Court's official announcement and application materials which are available here.
November 27, 2019 - Amendments to the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure - On December 1, 2019, amendments to the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure will take effect. The rules impacted are 3, 5, 13, 21, 25, 26, 26.1, 28, 32, and 39. Among the changes are the elimination of proofs of service when documents are electronically filed and the addition of new sub-sections (b) and (c) for Rule 26.1 disclosure statements. For announcement click here.
October 23, 2019 - Pearl Street Entrance to Thurgood Marshall U.S. Courthouse Closed - Effective today, the Pearl Street entrance to the Thurgood Marshall U.S. Courthouse will be closed to the public to facilitate repair of the elevators. Only visitors who require wheelchair assistance or who have difficulty walking up stairs may use the Pearl Street entrance. All other visitors must use the Centre Street entrance.
August 16, 2019 - Press Release - Chief Judge Robert A. Katzmann has announced the appointment of Michael D. Jordan to be the Circuit Executive for the Second Circuit. Click here to read the press release.
June 13, 2019 - Amendment to the Local Rules of the Second Circuit - The Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has amended Local Rule 31.2(a)(2), effective June 13, 2019, which governs the time to file reply briefs. The time to file an Oral Argument Statement, Local Rule 34.1(a), has not been amended. Click here for the order adopting the amendment.
March 26, 2019 - Notice of proposed rulemaking - By this notice and the order linked below, the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit publishes for comment proposed amendments to Local Rules 31.2(2) and 34.1, which govern the time to file a reply brief and an oral argument statement, respectively. The amendments provide that a reply brief be filed within 21 days of filing the last appellee's brief and an oral argument statement be filed within 7 days of filing the last appellee's brief. Click here to view the Court's order inviting comment and the proposed amendment. In accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 2071(b) and Fed. R. App. P. 47(a)(1), comments are invited on the proposed rule. Please submit comments to the Clerk of Court at 40 Foley Square, New York, NY 10007 or no later than April 25, 2019.
March 11, 2019 - The Legal Affairs Committee - is accepting applications for the Second Circuit's Pro Bono Appellate Mediator Panel. The deadline is May 1, 2019. Please refer to the Court's official announcement and application materials, which are available here.

January 23, 2019 - Notice to the Bar - Although an appropriation or continuing resolution funding the operations of the federal government, including the United States Courts, was not enacted by midnight December 21, 2018 the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit will continue to resolve cases and controversies as mandated by the Constitution. Click here for Chief Judge Katzmann's order.

Specifically, the Court will docket new cases, receive documents for filing, determine motions, hear cases on submission and by argument as scheduled, and decide cases for the duration of the appropriations lapse. Cases scheduled to be heard during this period will go forward unless the panel for a case directs otherwise.

Chief Judge Katzmann has issued an order directing that in cases in which a party is represented by a lawyer employed by the federal government, the filing requirements specified in the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure and this Court's Local Rules will be tolled for the duration of the lapse. The time to file will resume two business days after a budget appropriation or continuing resolution is enacted into law. For example, if on December 21, 2018 ten days had run on a party's time to file a paper and if, on Thursday, January 3, 2019 a budget is enacted, the time to file will resume running at 12:01 a.m. on Tuesday, January 8, 2019 as the eleventh day in the filing period. Click here for Chief Judge Katzmann's order regarding filing deadlines.

In cases subject to the order, the obligation of other parties to comply with the filing requirements of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure and this Court's Local Rules remains in effect. Pursuant to the order, the Court retains discretion to issue specific directions as may be necessary in particular cases.

December 17, 2018 - Amendment to the Local Rules of the Second Circuit - The Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has amended Local Rule 27.1(j), effective December 17, 2018, which governs motions. Click here for the order adopting the amendment.

October 31, 2018 - Notice of proposed rulemaking - By this notice and the order linked below, the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit publishes for comment a proposed amendment to Local Rule 27.1, which governs motions. The amendment provides that a party in a proceeding covered by Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 5.2(c) may file a motion to abbreviate the party's name in the Court's opinion or summary order and sets the time within which such a motion must be filed. Click here to view the Court's order inviting comment and the proposed amendment. In accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 2071(b) and Fed. R. App. P. 47(a)(1), comments are invited on the proposed rule. Please submit comments to the Clerk of Court at 40 Foley Square, New York, NY 10007 or no later than November 29, 2018.

August 10, 2018 - Chief Judge 2018 State of the Circuit Report - Click here.

August 4, 2018 - 2018 Justice For All Annual Report - Click here to read the 2018 Justice For All annual report.

August 1, 2018 - Notice of Fee Changes - Effective September 1, 2018, the fee changes listed below will take effect pursuant to amendments to the Court of Appeals Miscellaneous Fee Schedule, issued pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1913.


Reproduction (documents)  50¢ per page


Reproduction (documents) in paper form   50¢ per page
Reproduction of electronic records stored outside of the court's electronic case management system, including but not limited to, document files, audio and video recordings (other than a recording of a court proceeding)   $31 per record

The Fee Schedule listed on the Court's website will be updated September 1, 2018, to reflect the changes.

March 8, 2018 - New Federal Law Clerk Hiring Plan - The Second Circuit is adhering to the new Federal Law Clerk Hiring Plan. Click here for the plan.

January 23, 2017 - Chief Judge Robert A. Katzmann has announced the unveiling of the website for Justice for All: Courts and the Community , the civic education initiative of the federal courts of the Second Circuit. Our mission is to increase public understanding of the role of the courts, and to bring courts closer to the community. Click here for the announcement.

Announcements Archive


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