How to Add an Account to Suntrust Online Banking


  • What methods an attacker uses to steal a bank account
    • Phishing attacks by mail or SMS
    • Using fake apps
    • Trojans on devices
    • Keyloggers
    • Simple credential guessing
  • Steps to avoid bank account theft
    • Use strong passwords
    • Enable two-step authentication
    • Have the computer protected with a good antivirus
    • Install only official apps
    • Common sense

What methods an attacker uses to steal a bank account

online bank account is not stolen

Knowing how the attacker acts is important to prevent this from happening. There are many threats that in one way or another can allow an intruder to enter our bank account, make payments on our behalf or simply block the cards. Let's see what are the most common methods .

Phishing attacks by mail or SMS

The first method attackers can use to steal a bank account is through Phishing attacks . Basically what they do is launch a bait, which is usually through an e-mail or a message to the mobile, where they strain a link to a fake page that pretends to be that of the legitimate bank.

But of course, that website is fake. When the user logs in, the password goes directly to a server controlled by the attacker. This allows them to impersonate and access the bank account by having the necessary information to do so.

Phishing attacks usually report an alleged problem or something that we must solve urgently. This makes the victim have a need to log in and do not hesitate to do so. For example, they can even say that a suspicious login has been detected and that they need you to access the account to verify something.

El Phishing es ahora más peligroso

Using fake apps

Mainly this happens on mobile phones . What the attacker is looking for is for the victim to download a program that supposedly belongs to the bank, but is actually a scam. Usually these applications are outside of official stores and trustworthy sites. For example through third-party links, a file that reaches us by mail, etc.

As in the case of classic Phishing attacks, in this case the password can also end up on a server controlled by cybercriminals. This occurs when trying to log into that program which is supposedly legitimate, but is actually used to steal the key.

Keep in mind that in many cases these programs are very similar to the official and legitimate ones. Therefore the victim does not suspect anything when trying to log in and exposes personal data.

Trojans on devices

Yet another method used by hackers is Trojans . It is one of the varieties of malware that can infect our computers and mobile phones. This malicious software installs itself on the system and begins to collect information of all kinds. It can even give remote access to an attacker.

Once again, where it usually affects the most is on mobile devices. They can be files that we download on malicious sites, fake applications that carry malware or even after installing a browser add-on or other application. In all these cases they can attach Trojans.


Keyloggers are another form of malware that is specially designed to steal passwords. Its mission is to record the keystrokes made by the victim. Any password you put in is also included here, either on your computer or on your mobile.

This way they can find out what the username and password of the bank account is. They would thus obtain full access to the account and be able to steal money, make payments on our behalf or any action as if they were the legitimate user.

Simple credential guessing

One more option is to simply guess what the password for the bank account is. This occurs when a user enters a weak, predictable password, which for example contains their name or phone number. This is a mistake and can expose the accounts, as the protection would be very basic.

Even many users use simple and widely used passwords. For example we talk about 1234, 123456 and the like. Although more and more services require a more complex password, this is not the case in all cases and it is a significant problem.

Steps to avoid bank account theft

So what can we do to prevent our bank account from being stolen? Luckily we can take into account certain steps, certain tips that we can easily put into practice and thus improve security. We are going to show what they are and all users should make sure that these recommendations are part of their day to day.

Use strong passwords

The first thing is to create a password that is strong . A good password is the main security barrier that will prevent intruders from having easy access. That key must meet certain requirements, since it is of little use that it is, as we mentioned earlier, the typical 1234 and the like.

The password must be unique. It should contain letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and other special symbols. It is important that it be totally random and not use things like our name or any word or digit that relates us and makes it easy to figure out.

For example a good key could be 3D) H- $ rl82d / j. As we can see, it has a suitable length, uses letters, digits and also special symbols. That makes it very difficult for an intruder to know what it is.

Evitar errores en las contraseñas

Enable two-step authentication

But the password itself is not a foolproof barrier. Beyond that they could find out, it is also necessary to count on that there may be leaks or that they use a keylogger to record everything we put on the keyboard and thus be able to see what it is.

To avoid this, there is no better advice than to activate two-step authentication or 2FA . It is true that it is not available in all services, but it is becoming more and more common. Basically it is an extra security barrier. A second step that must be taken once we try to log in.

Have the computer protected with a good antivirus

To avoid the entry of Trojans, keyloggers and other varieties of malware, a point to take into account is to protect the system. How can we do this? An antivirus is the basis of everything. We can also have firewalls to filter connections and block those that are dangerous or even add-ons for the browser.

But not only do you have to focus on this type of program, but also on the importance of having your equipment updated. This will help us to solve certain vulnerabilities that may appear and that could endanger the systems. All patches and updates are essential.

Install only official apps

Of course, it is essential to install programs that are official and always from reliable sources. We must avoid downloading banking applications from third-party sites or links that we find on the Internet without really verifying who may be behind it. App stores like Google Play, for example, are the solution.

This will prevent us from installing a fake or modified app just to steal data and passwords. Sometimes we can come across software that offers certain enhancements or add-ons, but this could be a problem if we focus on security.

Common sense

Perhaps the most important of all. It is essential not to make mistakes . This will free us from attacks such as Phishing, which precisely seek to make the victim make a mistake, log in to a false page or click on a file that is actually malware.

If we always browse and log in through official, safe and reliable sites, if we do not make basic mistakes such as clicking on links that come to us through emails that we do not know or use only official programs, we will have a lot of cattle in order to prevent them from stealing our bank account .

In short, bank account theft is one of the computer security problems that we can suffer if we make mistakes or are victims of cyber attacks. We have seen which are the main ones and how we can be protected and prevent this from happening.

How to Add an Account to Suntrust Online Banking


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